Script: How To Check Password Expirations In Your Domain

Check Password Expiration's In Active Directory

UPDATE: March 1, 2020 Please use the updated script: https://thesysadminchannel.com/get-password-expiration-date-using-powershell-active-directory/ Chances are if you manage users in your organization, you’re going to need to Check Password Expirations In Active Directory to see who’s account is in need of a password change. … Continue Reading


SCCM: Create Device Collections Based On AD OUs

SCCM-Create Device Collections Based On Your Active Directory OU Structure

SCCM-Create Device Collections Based on AD Users and Computers OUs.  By default, SCCM doesn’t recreate your OU structure in Active Directory. Luckily for us, that’s what we’re going to go over today.  We’ll deep dive in this quick article and… Continue Reading