Get Uptime and Last Reboot Status Using Powershell

Get-Uptime and Last Reboot Status Report

If you’re on a single machine and want to check when the last time a computer rebooted, you would use the systeminfo command and search for the System Boot Time property of that command. But what if you wanted to… Continue Reading


[Solved] WMware Workstation Not Showing Bridged Network Adapters

WMware Workstation Not Showing Bridged Network Adapters

I ran into this problem recently on my Windows 10 laptop where VMWare Workstation Player not showing bridged network adapters. Therefore, I was unable to connect my VM to my actual network and use network resources. After searching around in… Continue Reading


How To Manually Force Full Hardware Inventory on SCCM Clients

Manually Force Full Hardware Inventory

If some of your clients are not updating correctly and you’re in the process of troubleshooting hardware inventory, you might be interested in knowing how to manually force full hardware inventory cycle. In this article we’ll go over the steps… Continue Reading


Solved: Troubleshooting Hardware Inventory in SCCM | Step By Step Guide

Troubleshooting Hardware Inventory

Troubleshooting Hardware Inventory in SCCM Troubleshooting hardware inventory in SCCM can be a daunting task. Sometimes your hardware inventory cycle tab is missing, other times, the hardware scan is not updating. This can put you in a world of hurt… Continue Reading


[Solved] SCCM Failed To Refresh Resync State Message Error 0x87d00310 in UpdatesStore.log

Failed To Refresh Resync State Message

In this article I’m going to go over the quick steps on how to fix the failed to refresh resync state message. Error = 0x87d00310 and Failed to refresh sync message. Error = 0x87d00310. you find in the UpdatesStore.log A… Continue Reading


List Directories That Haven’t Been Updated in X Amount Of Time Powershell

How to list directories that haven’t been updated in X amount of time. To find this we’re going to use Get-ChildItem and the LastWriteTime property. Here is what the mini script looks like. List Directories That Haven’t Been Updated  … Continue Reading


Get NTFS Access Permissions using NTFSSecurity Module

Get NTFS Access Permissions

I have to say Get NTFS Access Permissions and the NTFSSecurity Module is probably one of the best things since sliced bread. Natively, Powershell doesn’t offer a very good solution for checking NTFS permissions so author Raimund AndrĂ©e came up… Continue Reading


Get Last Logon Date For All Users in Your Domain

Get Last Logon Date

Get Last Logon Date For All Users in Your Domain. It seems simple right? In many of the environments I’ve walked into there have been users that haven’t logged into the domain in a certain number of months. Some users… Continue Reading


Data Deduplication On Windows Server 2016 – Why It’s a Must For File Servers

Data Deduplication On Windows Server 2016

Data Deduplication On Windows Server 2016 Data deduplication was first introduced with Windows Server 2012 and improved upon in Windows Server 2016. To give you a high level overview of what Data Deduplication actually does, it goes through files in… Continue Reading


A Quick Guide to Create Office 365 User Accounts with New-MsolUser and Powershell

Create Office 365 User Accounts

In this quick guide we’ll go over the steps to create office 365 user accounts in Powershell using the New-MsolUser cmdlet. If you’re not familiar with New-MSolUser, take a quick glance on Microsoft’s page to get a little more detail.… Continue Reading