Get SCCM Software Update Status using Powershell

I created an SCCM Software Update Status script because very recently I wanted to check the status of my Software Update Deployments within SCCM and quickly found out that there was no easy way of exporting the data I needed. For example, I wanted to export all of the computers that were in progress or pending a reboot so I can run another script and possibly reboot them during off hours. I also wanted to check to see which computers had errors or failed updates so I can quickly run a remote scan cycle and see if that remediates the problem.

I was able to identify the problem, now it was time to create a solution. So with a little bit of Google searching and some knowledge from ol’ trusty Learn Powershell In a Month Of Lunches Book I was able to create Get-SCCMSoftwareUpdateStatus.ps1

Script Requirements

If you’re using the DeploymentIDFromGUI parameter you will need to have the SCCM Configuration Module installed on your computer. Otherwise, this script uses WMI to gather the data. If you’re running the script remotely, you will need to have access to the SCCM server, although that should be a given.

Script Parameters

  • DeploymentIDFromGUI: A grid view of your current Software Update deployments will pop up. Select the update you want to query and click OK.

DeploymentIDFromGUI Example

  • DeploymentID: Manually enter in a DeploymentID. To get the DeploymentID, go to Monitoring -> Deployments -> Right Click the column header and select AssignmentID

DeploymentID AssignmentID

  • Status: This parameter allows you to filter by status. Only Success, InProgress, Error and Unknown are valid.

DeploymentID with Status

Get SCCM Software Update Status Powershell Script

function Get-SCCMSoftwareUpdateStatus {
    This will output the device status for the Software Update Deployments within SCCM.
    For updated help and examples refer to -Online version.

    This will output the device status for the Software Update Deployments within SCCM.
    For updated help and examples refer to -Online version.

    Name: Get-SCCMSoftwareUpdateStatus
    Author: The Sysadmin Channel
    Version: 1.0
    DateCreated: 2018-Nov-10
    DateUpdated: 2018-Nov-10

    https://thesysadminchannel.com/get-sccm-software-update-status-powershell -

    For updated help and examples refer to -Online version.



        [switch]  $DeploymentIDFromGUI,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [Alias('ID', 'AssignmentID')]
        [string]   $DeploymentID,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [ValidateSet('Success', 'InProgress', 'Error', 'Unknown')]
        [string]  $Status


    BEGIN {
        $Site_Code   = 'PAC'
        $Site_Server = 'PAC-SCCM01'
        $HasErrors   = $False

        if ($Status -eq 'Success') {
            $StatusType = 1 

        if ($Status -eq 'InProgress') {
            $StatusType = 2

        if ($Status -eq 'Unknown') {
            $StatusType = 4

        if ($Status -eq 'Error') {
            $StatusType = 5


        try {
            if ($DeploymentID -and $DeploymentIDFromGUI) {
                Write-Error "Select the DeploymentIDFromGUI or DeploymentID Parameter. Not Both"
                $HasErrors   = $True

            if ($DeploymentIDFromGUI) {
                $ShellLocation = Get-Location
                Import-Module (Join-Path $(Split-Path $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH) ConfigurationManager.psd1)
                #Checking to see if module has been imported. If not abort.
                if (Get-Module ConfigurationManager) {
                        Set-Location "$($Site_Code):\"
                        $DeploymentID = Get-CMSoftwareUpdateDeployment | select AssignmentID, AssignmentName | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title "Select a Deployment and Click OK" | Select -ExpandProperty AssignmentID
                        Set-Location $ShellLocation
                    } else {
                        Write-Error "The SCCM Module wasn't imported successfully. Aborting."
                        $HasErrors   = $True

            if ($DeploymentID) {
                    $DeploymentNameWithID = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $Site_Server -Namespace root\sms\site_$Site_Code -class SMS_SUMDeploymentAssetDetails -Filter "AssignmentID = $DeploymentID" | select AssignmentID, AssignmentName
                    $DeploymentName = $DeploymentNameWithID.AssignmentName | select -Unique
                } else {
                    Write-Error "A Deployment ID was not specified. Aborting."
                    $HasErrors   = $True

            if ($Status) {
                   $Output = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $Site_Server -Namespace root\sms\site_$Site_Code -class SMS_SUMDeploymentAssetDetails -Filter "AssignmentID = $DeploymentID and StatusType = $StatusType" | `
                    select DeviceName, CollectionName, @{Name = 'StatusTime'; Expression = {$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.StatusTime) }}, @{Name = 'Status' ; Expression = {if ($_.StatusType -eq 1) {'Success'} elseif ($_.StatusType -eq 2) {'InProgress'} elseif ($_.StatusType -eq 5) {'Error'} elseif ($_.StatusType -eq 4) {'Unknown'}  }}

                } else {       
                    $Output = Get-WMIObject -ComputerName $Site_Server -Namespace root\sms\site_$Site_Code -class SMS_SUMDeploymentAssetDetails -Filter "AssignmentID = $DeploymentID" | `
                    select DeviceName, CollectionName, @{Name = 'StatusTime'; Expression = {$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.StatusTime) }}, @{Name = 'Status' ; Expression = {if ($_.StatusType -eq 1) {'Success'} elseif ($_.StatusType -eq 2) {'InProgress'} elseif ($_.StatusType -eq 5) {'Error'} elseif ($_.StatusType -eq 4) {'Unknown'}  }}

            if (-not $Output) {
                Write-Error "A Deployment with ID: $($DeploymentID) is not valid. Aborting"
                $HasErrors   = $True

        } catch {
        } finally {
            if (($HasErrors -eq $false) -and ($Output)) {
                Write-Output ""
                Write-Output "Deployment Name: $DeploymentName"
                Write-Output "Deployment ID:   $DeploymentID"
                Write-Output ""
                Write-Output $Output | Sort-Object Status

    END {}


SCCM Software Update Status Video Demo

Finally, If this article helped you out, feel free to subscribe to our Youtube Channel for more awesome sysadmin content. If you want to further your SCCM knowledge, be sure to check out our recommended SCCM books:
System Center Configuration Manager Current Branch Unleashed
Learn SCCM in a Month of Lunches Book

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Paul Contreras

Hi, my name is Paul and I am a Sysadmin who enjoys working on various technologies from Microsoft, VMWare, Cisco and many others. Join me as I document my trials and tribulations of the daily grind of System Administration.


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